meta description, What are the Meta Description SEO Best Practices?Just over a month ago, we were told that The Great and Powerful Google had graciously expanded the meta description field to 320 characters, and all the SEOs of the world rejoiced. But then … Google changed its mind.

So what are we to make of this? Do we go back and change all of the descriptions we expanded back to ±160 characters? Google has proclaimed that we decide what goes in the SERP description based on the search query. Well, all righty then.

Let's start with the fact that the meta description does not contribute to rank, but it does contribute to click-through rate, and click-through rate does contribute to rank. Google expects the CTR for a particular position in the SERPs for a specific query. If you find yourself in that position but are not meeting the desired CTR expectations, you will not be in that position for long.

Does this information help me decide what to do? Look at the meta title and description as a classified advertisement in a magazine or newspaper. The click is generated by the title alone in many cases, and the description may not even be read. But, if your title is not strong enough to create the click, you must rely on your description. What if your call to action is at the end of the meta description and doesn't get seen?

Here's my suggestion, continue to use the expanded 320 character description but make sure that the exciting part that will generate the click is in the visible portion. Keep in mind that ultimately Google will decide what to put in the meta description.

This may be a bit controversial, but … consider writing multiple meta descriptions. There is no indication I've seen that a page would be punished or its rank impacted for having multiple meta descriptions. Write each to address one of the top queries for a keyword phrase. I wouldn't use any more than three but give it some thought. Above all, test it first and provide the page with several weeks to adjust to the changes before deciding.

Okay, so that's what I think; here are some thoughts from others in the industry that are well worth your consideration.

meta description, What are the Meta Description SEO Best Practices?

SEO is a tricky subject. One minute you think you have it nailed, and the next, everything has changed. And when you consider the fact that Google reportedly changes its algorithm 500 to 600 times per year, you start to see the problem. The only constant in SEO is changing, which creates a never-ending pursuit.

meta description, What are the Meta Description SEO Best Practices?

Meta descriptions: ever wondered how to compose the right one? We will explain how to create that inviting meta description. Find out more!

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